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How To Stay Fit While On Vacation

Keeping up our good habits while on vacation may seem difficult. Indulgences occur, whether it’s
forgetting about exercise, or incorporating a few old bad eating habits. A little commitment and
planning, however, goes a long way in maintaining your weight.

Make Vacations Great By Making Healthier Choices

There are numerous things you can do to ensure you do not gain extra pounds while away from home.

Get enough sleep
Research has found that too little sleep is one of the factors that contribute to weight gain.
Adults who sleep less than seven hours per night may be at a higher risk of weight gain than
their counterparts who get in the extra hours.

Keep active
One way to ensure you maintain your weight is by doing regular exercise. While most of us do
not see going to the gym as an activity to indulge in while on vacation, you can make healthy
choices that include some type of physical activity. Swimming, walking, or biking, for example,
are good choices. And remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Smart snack choices
Every time you get the urge to snack, opt for a healthier choice. This includes substituting low-
fat yogurt, air-popped popcorn, fruit, or prepped vegetables for other, less healthy food choices.

Don’t forget breakfast
Eating a healthy breakfast tends to stop hunger pangs from developing during the morning and
may prevent those snacking urges from creeping up on you.

Limit your alcohol intake
Cocktails and other alcoholic beverages tend to be high in calories and low in nutrient value. The daily recommendation is two alcoholic beverages daily for both men and women.

Supportive people
It is easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you have supportive people around you. When on
vacation, try to ensure that those with you are on the same page or at the least support your

If in doubt as to whether you have a healthy weight, please consult a qualified healthcare provider who
can help you work out your body mass index (BMI). In doing so, you get an estimation as to the
percentage fat you have based on both your height and weight.